Thursday, October 21, 2004

I'm being repressed...

The following post has been cleaned up as I've ascribed the disappearance of the original to the invisible hand of automated censorship. I believe the offending term was one that describes the human posterior and begins with A. I’ve replaced all occurrences of this term with the word “cheese”.

Title: It’s the economy, dumbcheese!

I feel truly honored that W recently sought me out to avail himself of my scary therapeutic talents. The following is an excerpt from a totally apocryphal session I had with our nation’s leader earlier this week.

grpNiteroi: Very good Mr. President. I believe we’ve adequately addressed your “issues” with Saddam Hussein. He was a horrible man for embarrassing your family by staying in power. Let’s move on to word association.

W: Thanks. You’ve really helped me cleareate my mind and perspectify my problems.

grpNiteroi: Don’t mention it Mr. President. Please respond with the first thing that pops into your mind for each word or phrase that I say.

W: I’ll give it 110% focation!

grpNiteroi: four consecutive months of declining economic indicators

W: Recovery!

grpNiteroi: Pat Robertson

W: Friar

(Note: After intense analysis, I determined that W had munged the words “friend” and liar”.)

grpNiteroi: plan for withdrawl

W: Cupcakes!

(Note: After intense analysis, I was unable to determine the meaning of this response.)

grpNiteroi: Kerry

W: Liberal

grpNiteroi: Leahy

W: Cheesehole

grpNiteroi: Cheney

W: Dick

grpNiteroi: Our time’s up Mr. President. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


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